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October 09, 2010


Be a healthy person who should allow a regular life. Nowadays living  is rushing and busing, people have no time to enjoy their recreations. Be a collage student, we should be more active than others. Doing some exercises and going climbing  in the weekend is better than staying at home all day. Even though I  have heavy homework and quizzes, I don't like that it deprives of my entertainments. It is important for us to plan our time schedules,it is not just followed by the time and do nothing. The more pressures I  have, the more relaxations I  need. I need to listen to music and go home to release my whole unhappy things. Just be slowly in my life, and go outside to view something interesting. It is more helpful for me to rebuild some ideas and change my mind into positive ways.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Ivy:
    Lohas (not Lohos) stands for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability. I think it means a kind of lifestyle focusing on health and fitness, the eco-friendly environment, personal development, and sustainable living. Even though you may have a lot of assignments and tests, you can still enjoy your university life if you can manage your time effectively, study for an exam efficiently, and prioritize your tasks. Yes, I hope that you can study hard and play hard.
