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October 09, 2010


Be a healthy person who should allow a regular life. Nowadays living  is rushing and busing, people have no time to enjoy their recreations. Be a collage student, we should be more active than others. Doing some exercises and going climbing  in the weekend is better than staying at home all day. Even though I  have heavy homework and quizzes, I don't like that it deprives of my entertainments. It is important for us to plan our time schedules,it is not just followed by the time and do nothing. The more pressures I  have, the more relaxations I  need. I need to listen to music and go home to release my whole unhappy things. Just be slowly in my life, and go outside to view something interesting. It is more helpful for me to rebuild some ideas and change my mind into positive ways.

October 04, 2010

Think and change

Recently, I am required to type a lot of assignments which are connected with "thinking".
Think what's about your opinions or think how to compare two dissimilar products to same features.
I consider that thinking in your way is a little challenging for most of collage students, because we
are used to be passive to think deeply. We always attain knowledge by teachers, but rarely think by ourselves. I have taking a course about marketing in real life which the teacher is asking us to think why a  brand can success. And another class is about creative thinking, it is focused on logically thinking my ways. For me, it is a chance to force myself to think; to be seriously, I admit that thinking is a big trial to be changed our indigenous thoughts. I am likely to be a stable situation, but it is impossible to always stay in steady. Life is almost out of the blue. If you still wouldn't like to think over, you are degenerating. No accepting directly what you see and what you hear, just thinking what's about your own views on these questions and trying to discover what's ideas interested in you. It is more funny to think in any aspects to realize the reason why.
"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."~Tudor Rickards

October 03, 2010

Potential of DNA

Thursday was a harsh day that I took full classes and part-time at office. Actually, I felt no time to take a short rest; it made me go a little crazy. But I thought everything that encountered to me would go away, the first thing was to face by courage. If you would like to learn about how to deal with troubles immediately or what you can do in a terrible situation, you had no choice but face. After three weeks past, I changed attitude to my own business. I learned E Q control from some people who couldn't control their tempers were easily annoyed. Each person would have own emotion, but it was a time for us to control in public. A speech of an astrology took place in the E building at 7:00 p.m., many students were passionately participating in a speech, and so did I. It was so interesting to realize what kind of  characters you belongs to, it could be composed with advantages and disadvantages. An instructor analyzed for us to notice what to  do better and how to avert disabilities. For me, it was a impressive experience to know what's potential I possess and attain presious suggestions. It was worth to wait for long time.