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September 23, 2010


This  wedsday  was   Mid-Autumn  Festival.
I   didn't   go  home  with   my   families.
Everyone   went   home   to   BBQ  together, I   just   stayed   in   school.
Although   I 'd   like  to   go   home, it   seemed    too    rush    to    go   and   back.
I  think  that   I    consider  a  lot  of   reasons    why    I    don't   go   home.
Like   time-saving  or   fee.

My  eyes  were   infected. It   caused  by   contact   lenses.
The   doctor    told   me   it    was   inflammation.
He   asked    me    to   take    off   my    lenses   and    dropped    medicine.
I   felt    uncomfortable  and   restless  with    my   eyes    whole   day.
What   a    lucky    day   for   me   to   take   all    day   classes   and     part-time   jobs!
I    persuaded    myself    to   endure    any   kind   of    difficulties    suddenly    happened.
Did   I     have   to   endure    these    unpleasant    matters?
Maybe   yes   or  probably    make   option    for   myself.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Ivy: Maybe it is good for you to stay here in Hsinchu during the Moon Festival so that you can take a break. Why did you say that you are lucky to have classes all day long and work part-time at the same time? What kind of part-time job do you have?

    I hope that your eyes will feel better soon. Take care.

    In terms of your blog, I feel that you can try to combine some of your simple sentences into compound or complex sentences, or you can use participial phrases or adjective clauses to extend your sentences.
