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September 21, 2010


After  one  week, I  felt tired very much.
First of  all, my dorm was  changed  by CHU's 書院
I was shocked and got a little furious.
No information and  phone calls  to  me, so I didn't  know about  it.
I thought they should tell me  before school opening, at least I wouldn't  get  angry  about  their  plans.
Finally, it is  done. But  it  happened  another  problems  that  was  dorm's  Internet.
I  had no idea about what's  going  on, everything  was  troublesome  for  me.
And  I  was  trying   to  overcome  my   problems, but   it   happened   over   and  over .
Too   fast    to   deal  with.
I  am  trying   to   adapt   new   life, even  though   I   make  busier  for   myself.
I  think   that   is  a  good   chance  for   me   to   quit   bad   habits    and    learn   more   experiences.


  1. Hi, Ivy. I am sorry to hear what happened to you, but also glad that it seems you overcame most difficulties. We all experienced more or less unpleasant troubles, but one indicator to prove that we are mature adults with high EQ is whether we can deal with our difficulties calmly and effectively. I am pretty curious what bad habits that you are going to get rid of. It's a good start to reflect what bad habits you have and set a goal to get rid of them. Keep going.

  2. Actually, it is not exactly called bad habits. I am not afraid of difficulties. I think this is a nessarity to be more mature.
    I enjoy my life now, because I can feel exsistant of mine. I got into busy troubles that I caused.
